"The Upper Valley Zen Center is dedicated to the study and practice of Zen Buddhism; to understanding the nature of suffering and its resolution; and to acting on this insight to benefit everyday life."
About UVZC Zen is the practice of Buddhism, the discipline and insight founded by the historical Buddha 2500 years ago. Our Center and the affiliated Dartmouth Zen Practice are led by Gendo Allyn Field, lay monk and teacher in the Rinzai Zen tradition. He received ordination from Joshu Sasaki in 2003 and suijishiki (teacher ordination) from Sandy Gentei Stewart in 2013. He is a "per diem" chaplain at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and leads a Zen practice group at a Vermont State Prison, Dartmouth College, and Wheelock Terrace Assisted Living .
We are located on the ground floor of 58 Bridge Street, White RIver Junction, VT (The Main Street Museum). Go down the driveway left of the building, park by the River and enter on that level. Click here for help finding us. All are welcome to join our practice regardless of experience, religious affiliation or financial means. Your donations are the source of our support.. Click here to contact us with your questions. Click here for a brief overview of the What, Why and How to practice Zen. |
Please Contact us. to confirm details if you are joining our practice for the first time or if you have questions. We are supported by donations (a registered non-profit). To make a contribution click here. Seichu; a ten week period of commitment to practice, study and community, Spring and Fall. For information and to sign up for our current Seichu period go here. (Note schedule changes for August 27-September 3, 2024) All Zoom sessions use this link: Zen Sundays 9 to 11:30 am In-person and on Zoom Chanting, zazen (meditation), Dharma talk and opportunity for personal meeting with a teacher (dokusan). Work period and social time afterwards. Study Group Thurs. 7 to 8:30 pm In-person and on Zoom Attendance to previous sessions is not necessary. (Seer note above) Morning Practice on Zoom M–F, 6:45 to 7:45 am. Sat. 8 – 8:30 am Serious practice, followed by casual conversation. Meditation with Instruction on Zoom Mon. and Thurs. 11:30-12:30 pm. (Note, not Thursday 8/22) Informal intro to the Zen Center and our practice. Dartmouth Zen Practice in-person. Tues. 6:45 to 7:45 pm (when college in session) North Fairbanks Hall, second floor |
Dartmouth students, staff and community members are welcome to join a practice group that meets Tuesday nights (summer schedule starting July 25, 2024 ) 7:00 to 8:00 pm in North Fairbanks Hall, second floor meditation room on Dartmouth College campus (directions here). The format is meditation practice, with instruction as needed, followed by discussion on topics proposed by the group.