December Theme: Inclusiveness/Patience Inclusiveness, or patience and ‘forebearance,’ is the second of the “paramitas” of Buddhism. The word ‘paramita’ comes from ancient Sanskrit language meaning ‘perfection’ and ‘having reached the other shore.’ Paramitas are like boats, or bridges over ‘troubled waters,’ reminders of what helps in hard times. In the cold and dark of winter, the reminder is to share, not hoard, to reach out and invite the stranger in. The stranger is, after all, your self, the one who got used to summer sun and now struggles with snow boots and shovels. Welcome the stranger! Because generosity and inclusiveness lead to something bigger, something capable of joy. Retreat! December 8 is ‘Rohatsu’, celebration of the Buddha’s awakening, marked with renewed resolve and practice. Our Rohatsu retreat begins Thursday, December 6, 8 am at Moose Mountain Retreat, a house generously offered to us, a half hour drive from both downtown Hanover and Lebanon. (People are welcome to arrive the night before, December 5, after 7 pm. ) Registration closes the end of Sunday, December 2. ‘Intro to Zen on Wendesday, December 5 is cancelled. Also Study Group December 6. Sunday practice, December 9, will be held at Moose Mountain Retreat (inquire for travel details). Also, see retreat page here. Family Zen This month (November) at the zendo our theme has been Generosity. In keeping with this theme, the Family Zen Group is planning to visit the Haven in White River Junction on December 28th for a tour and as an opportunity to donate some of the items which they have indicated are needed. We will package the items in individual bags along with a wonderful drawing or greeting which our Family Zen group recently made. If you would like to join in this effort, please consider donating something from the list below. We will leave a box at the UVZC, outside the interior hallway door, where you can leave your donation, whether or not we are open. Here is the list: o Gloves or mittens o Snacks -such as granola bars, small bags of nuts, crackers and peanutbutter o Small travel size shampoo, toothpaste, hand lotion, toothbrushes, Chapstick o Small combs and brushes o Water bottle o Warm Socks o Notes or drawings of encouragement or greeting We have already received a great discount from Hanover Hardware Store for a case of foot warmers, which we will include. Thank you for your interest and support in this project. Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day! Shinji Patty Goodman and Jing Mayer
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